The SuperSopTunna® cares about the collection, sorting and transportation of recyclable and problematic waste. This is happening today at 3 recycling centers, which are operated on behalf of Stockholm Water and Waste.
These installations allow the citizens to dispose of and separate valuable and environmentally harmful substances from household waste. Collected substances undergo a previous sorting and packaging at the collection site. In the Logistic Center of SuperSopTunna® the final sorting and packaging for transport to waste treatment companies is carried out. Waste disposal companies are selected according to the following priority criteria: recycling has absolute priority. Only if this is not possible, waste products can be disposed of in an environmentally friendly way in appropriate ways for instance high temperature treatment. A total of 70% of the collected substances can be at least partially recycled.
Information and advice are paramount especially with regard to an environmentally correct behavior and waste prevention. By this an environmentally friendly behavior should be promoted – while also providing practical tips in an easily accessible form.